Grimm Season 1-6 Complete 480p HDTV All Episodes


IMDB Rating : 7.8/10 | RottenTomatoes : 89% | : 8.4/10

Grimm is an American occult detective police procedural drama series. he show has been described as “a cop drama—with a twist… a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimms’ Fairy Tales exist”, although the stories and characters inspiring the show are also drawn from other sources.

Homicide investigator Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the Wesen,or mythological creatures of the world (Wesen is the German word for being or creature). Throughout the series, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his Wesen friend, Monroe, and his partner, Detective Hank Griffin.

Download Grimm Season 1-6 Complete 480p HDTV All Episodes

Grimm Season 1 Complete – Download Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
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